Our story

Kiwis have always loved the bargain hunt and the satisfaction of getting a great deal – you could say it’s part of the fabric of what makes us kiwis. There’s nothing better than sharing the thrill of the hunt with our best mates, they’re always the first ones we call on to join the fun or to give us a hand. That’s why we’re called Crackerjack, we’re all about delivering crackerjack – or exceptionally good – value. A down to earth, no frills NZ owned retailer that offers incredibly affordable value on unique and quality products from around the world. Our thrifty customers can trust us with our crackerjack pricing.

The Bargain Hunters best friend, that’s us, a tenacious breed of kiwis with a discerning nose for a real bargain. Hunting tirelessly to bring back a prize deal to delight our bargain hunting customers.

We’re bargain hunters.

Crackerjack’s mission is to find you products you can’t resist at the best possible prices. Our buyers are on the hunt throughout the year for amazing deals. The team are opportunistic and entrepreneurial with impressive negotiating skills. We source from anywhere in the world and stop at nothing to bring you the best value in the market.

Unlike many other big brand retailers, we bring you the best value first time. We negotiate the lowest possible price, and pass the savings on. If it’s not a bargain, we won’t stock it.

We’re unique.

Whereas other types of retailers buy seasonally, Crackerjack buy throughout the year including on the spot opportunistic buys. We take advantage of a wide variety of opportunities, which can include bulk buys, cancelled orders, clearance products plus we stock a variety of everyday products at an incredible price.

We buy from all kinds of suppliers – we call them trading partners because we believe in long-term, quality relationships built on integrity and trust.

We’re not flash.

We’re passionate about saving you money so our stores are set up simply to showcase our amazing value. Our stores are as flexible as we are – we have no walls between departments so we can easily expand and contract our categories to respond to the newest product arrivals.

We love our stores and our lean, no-frills way of merchandising, this helps us deliver stunning savings to you. So, don’t expect fancy things in our stores, just great prices!

When it’s gone, it’s gone…

If you love it, grab it – we don’t hold additional product in our stock rooms. Fresh new product arrives daily and sells through quickly so it needs to be snapped up before it’s sold out. The treasure hunt experience is what makes Crackerjack an exciting place to shop and a smart choice for your weekly shop.

Incredible prices, irresistible products – it’s as simple as that!

The Facts:

  • Opened in 2009
  • Proudly 100% New Zealand family owned and operated
  • Privately owned
  • If it’s a bargain, we stock it – clothing, grocery, gardening, beauty, household, outdoor, cleaning and more…

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If you have any further questions about Crackerjack or want to reach out to say hello, feel free to get in contact with our team at Crackerjack head office.